Wednesday, March 18, 2009

From 1961 even... via Google images ---recognize anyone?


Glen Ellyn ~1998 Sitting Empty and 2000 demolition

Link to more Abandoned GE pictures, ~1998

Link to more 2000 demolition pictures


Jim Lee

Larry Lewis

[sample page]

Larry Lewis '69

John Sivalon

[sample page that will be done for each classmate]

John Sivalon '69

Until recently John was Superior General of Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers. [need more information]

Looking for class photos from Glen Ellyn days

If you have any sort of "the good ol' days" pictures of classmates, previous reunions, etc. please send them and they will be posted for all to marvel at and not scoff too much... we hope.

Have Questions? and the answers if they exist will appear.

OR if you know an answer to a question use the comments section to answer it.


Welcome to Our Reunion Blog

This is a way to get ready and see how young we all still are! Sort of a digital scrapbook to update well after the reunion.

I think I'll do one entry per participant. That makes us easy to find. And, as you probably know, readers can comment.

Perhaps we can have a Q&A or FAQ section too.

So send me info and I'll start posting. If one of you has blog skills and want to co-author let me know. We can have a joint common email address that can be used.

Example follows.